Lagunitas Open Classroom

I recently learned about Lagunitas Open Classroom, a progressive school founded in the 1970s with many of the same values I hope to bring to Inner Fire. There’s a fantastic video about it here:

Key features included mixed-age classrooms, high parent involvement, student autonomy in how they spend their time, and flexible scheduling to capitalize on positive class momentum and passionate spur of the moment ideas.

Where Inner Fire differs most is 1) we have a much smaller school (Lagunitas has 100 students in 3 classrooms all in the same space, it looked rather chaotic); and 2) we are more gifted-focused and have a deeper, faster-paced curriculum.

But when it comes to teaching values I couldn’t agree more with what’s highlighted in the video—I highly encourage any parent to take a look!




How You Feel > What You Know


Good Education Doesn't Scale, Bad Education Does